- Dots and Lines: Hidden Networks in Social Media, AI, and Nature, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2025.
- An Invitation to Graph Theory and Pursuit-Evasion Games, AMS Student Mathematical Library, 2022.
- Limitless Minds: Interviews with Mathematicians, AMS Student Mathematical Library, 2018.
- Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods, joint with Pawel Pralat, CRC Press, 2017.
- The 15th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2018), co-edited with Andrei Raigorodskii and Pawel Pralat, 2018.
- The 14th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2017), co-edited with Fan Chung Graham and Pawel Pralat, 2017.
- The 13th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2016), co-edited with Fan Chung Graham and Pawel Pralat, 2016.
- Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models 2015 (ICC3), co-edited with M. Senthil Kumar, V. Ramasamy, S. Sheen, C. Veeramani, A. Bonato, L. Batten, 2015.
- The 11th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2014), co-edited with Fan Chung Graham and Pawel Pralat, 2014.
- The 10th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2013), co-edited with Michael Mitzenmacher and Pawel Pralat, 2013.
- Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models 2013 (ICC3), co-edited with G. Sai Sundara Krishnan, R. Anitha, R.S. Lekshmi, M. Senthil Kumar, M. Grana, 2013.
- The 9th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2012), co-edited with Jeannette Janssen, 2012.
- The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs, joint with Richard Nowakowski, AMS Student Mathematical Library, 2011.
- A Course on the Web Graph, AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics Series, and AARMS Monograph Series, 2008.
- The 5th Workshop On Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph (WAW 2007), co-edited with Fan Chung Graham, 2008.
- Locally finite graphs and their localization numbers, with Florian Lehner, Trent Marbach, and JD Nir, accepted to the Journal of Combinatorics.
- Analysis and predictability of centrality measures in competition networks, with Mariam Walaa, Proceedings of WAW'25.
- Enhancing anti-money laundering efforts with network-based algorithms, with Juan Chavez Palan, Adam Svaza, Proceedings of Complex Networks.
- The frustum network model based on clique extension, with Ryan Cushman, Trent Marbach, and Zhiyuan Zhang, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 47, article number 78.
- How to cool a graph, with Holden Milne, Trent Marbach, and Teddy Mishura, Proceedings of WAW'24.
- Clique counts for network similarity, with Zhiyuan Zhang, Proceedings of WAW'24.
- The one-visibility Localization game, with Trent Marbach, Michael Molnar, and JD Nir, Theoretical Computer Science 978 114186.
- Improved pyrotechnics: closer to the burning number conjecture, with Paul Bastide, Marthe Bonamy, Pierre Charbit, Shahin Kamali, Theo Pierron, and Mikael Rabie, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 30, Issue 4.
- The Localization game on oriented graphs, with Ryan Cushman, Trent Marbach, and Brittany Pittman, Discrete Applied Mathematics 338 145-157.
- The Localization game on locally finite trees, with Florian Lehner, Trent Marbach, and JD Nir, Proceedings of EUROCOMB'23.
- The Iterated Local Transitivity model for tournaments, with Ketan Chaudhary, Proceedings of WAW'23.
- The localization number and metric dimension of graphs of diameter 2, with Melissa Huggan, Trent Marbach, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 18 29-52.
- Pursuit-evasion games on latin square graphs, with Shreya Ahirwar, Leanna Gittins, Alice Huang, Trent Marbach, Tomer Zaidman, Journal of Combinatorics 14 (2023) 461-483.
- The iterated local transitivity model for hypergraphs,
with Natalie Behague, Melissa Huggan, Rehan Malik, Trent Marbach, Discrete Applied Mathematics 337 106-119.
- Distinguishing number of universal homogeneous Urysohn metric spaces, with C. Laflamme, M. Pawliuk, N. Sauer, Volume 29, Issue 3 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2022.
- Algorithms for p-faulty search on a half-line, with Konstantinos Georgiou, Calum MacRury, Pawel Pralat, Algorithmica 50.
- Winner does not take all: contrasting centrality in adversarial networks, with Joey Kapusin, Jiajie Yuan, Proceedings of Complex Networks.
- The localization capture time of a graph, with Natalie Behague, Melissa Huggan, Trent Marbach, Brittany Pittman, Theoretical Computer Science 911 80-91.
- The game of flipping coins, with Melissa Huggan, Richard Nowakowski, Integers, Volume 21b.
- Optimizing the trade-off between number of cops and capture time in Cops and Robbers, with Jane Breen, Boris Brimkov, Joshua Carlson, Sean English, Jesse Geneson, Leslie Hogben, K.E. Perry, and Carolyn Reinhart, Journal of Combinatorics 13 (2022) 79-203.
- Queer inclusion equals better mathematics, Nature, August 2022.
- An evolving network model from clique extension, with Ryan Cushman, Trent Marbach, and Zhiyuan Zhang, Proceedings of The 28th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference.
- Interview with Lisa Jeffrey, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 69 (2022) 410-412.
- Interview with Maria Chudnovsky, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 69 (2022) 407-410.
- Interview with Jennifer Chayes, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 69 (2022) 403-407.
- Small number of communities in Twitter keyword networks, with Linda Abraham and Alexander Nazareth, In: Proceedings of Complex Networks, 2021.
- Geometric random graphs and Rado sets of continuous functions with J. Janssen, A. Quas, Discrete Analysis 2021:3, 21 pp.
- The game of Cops and Eternal Robber, with Melissa Huggan, Trent Marbach, Fionn Mc Inerney, Theoretical Computer Science 874 (2021) 80-93.
- Spaces for all: the rise of LGBTQ+ mathematics conferences, with Juliette Bruce and Ron Buckmire, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 68 (2021) 998-1003.
- A survey of graph burning, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 16 (2021) 185-197.
- The localization number of designs, with Melissa Huggan, Trent Marbach, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 29 (2021) 175-192.
- Improved bounds for burning fence graphs, with Sean English, Bill Kay, and Daniel Moghbel, Graphs and Combinatorics 37 (2021) 2761-2773.
- Burning the plane: Densities of the infinite Cartesian grid, with K. Gunderson, A. Shaw, Graphs and Combinatorics 36 (2020) 1311-1335.
- Iterated Global Models for Complex Networks, with Erin Meger, Proceedings of WAW'20.
- The Iterated Local Directed Transitivity model for social networks, with Dan W. Cranston, Melissa Huggan, Trent Marbach, and Raja Mutharasan, Proceedings of WAW'20.
- The iterated local model for social networks, with Huda Chuangpishit, Sean English, Bill Kay, and Erin Meger, Discrete Applied Mathematics 284 (2020) 555-571.
- Bounds on the localization number, with W.B. Kinnersley, Journal of Graph Theory 94 (2020) 579-596.
- Searching the half-line with a probabilistically faulty robot, with Huda Chuangpishit, Konstantinos Georgiou, Calum MacRury, Sophia Park, Bhargav Parsi, Pawel Pralat, Benjamin Reiniger, Proceedings of LATIN'20.
- Topological directions in Cops and Robbers with B. Mohar,
Journal of Combinatorics 11 (2020) 47-64.
- Centrality in dynamic competition networks, with Nicole Eikmeier, David Gleich, and Rehan Malik, Proceedings of Complex Networks 2019.
- Geometric random graphs and Rado sets in sequence spaces, with J. Janssen, A. Quas, European Journal of Combinatorics 79 (2019) 1-14.
- Approximation algorithms for graph burning, with S. Kamali, Proceedings of TAMC'19.
- Hyperopic Cops and Robbers, with N.E. Clarke, D. Cox, S. Finbow, F. Mc Inerney, and M.E. Messinger, Theoretical Computer Science 794 (2019) 59-68.
- Bounds on the burning numbers of spiders and path-forests, with
T. Lidbetter, Theoretical Computer Science, 794 (2019) 12-19.
- Bounds on the burning number, with S. Bessy, A. Bonato, J. Janssen, D. Rautenbach, E. Roshanbin, Discrete Applied Mathematics 235 (2018) 16--22.
- Emmy's Time, The Mathematical Intellgencer 41 (2018) 1-7.
- Dynamic Competition Networks: detecting alliances and leaders with N. Eikmeier, D.F. Gleich, and R. Malik, Proceedings of WAW'18.
- The robot crawler graph process,
with Rita M. del Rio-Chanona, Calum MacRury, Jake Nicolaidis, Xavier Perez-Gimenez, Pawel Pralat, Kirill Ternovsky, Discrete Applied Mathematics
247 (2018) 23--36.
- Burning a graph is hard, with S. Bessy, A. Bonato, J. Janssen, D. Rautenbach, E. Roshanbin, Discrete Applied Mathematics 232 (2017) 73-87.
- Common adversaries form alliances: modelling complex networks via anti-transitivity, with Eva Infeld, Hari Pokhrel, Pawel Pralat, Proceedings of WAW'17.
- The game of Overprescribed Cops and Robbers played on graphs, with Xavier Perez-Gimenez, Pawel Pralat, Ben Reiniger, Graphs and Combinatorics 33 (2017) 801-815.
- Cops and Robbers ordinals of cop-win trees, with G. Hahn and P. Gordinowicz, Discrete Mathematics 340 (2017) 951-956.
- Characterizations and algorithms for generalized Cops and Robbers games,
with Gary MacGillivray,
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 2 (2017) 110-122.
- A probabilistic version of the game of Zombies and Survivors on graphs, Dieter Mitsche, Xavier Perez Gimenez, Pawel Pralat, Theoretical Computer Science 655 (2016) 2-14.
- Lazy Cops and Robbers played on random graphs and graphs on surfaces, with Deepak Bal, William B. Kinnersley, P. Pralat, Journal of Combinatorics 7 (2016) 627-642.
- The geometry of social networks, invited paper in Notes of the Canadian Mathematical Society 48 (2016) 12-13.
- Mining and modeling character networks, with David Ryan D'Angelo, Ethan R. Elenberg, David F. Gleich, Yangyang Hou, In: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph.
- How to burn a graph, with J. Janssen, E. Roshanbin, Internet Mathematics 1-2 (2016) 85-100.
- The structure and automorphisms of semi-directed graphs,
with D.Delic and Changping Wang,
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 27 (2016) 161-173.
- The robot crawler number of a graph, with Rita M. del Rio-Chanona, Calum MacRury, Jake Nicolaidis, Xavier Perez-Gimenez, Pawel Pralat, Kirill Ternovsky, Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph.
- The game of Wall Cops and Robbers, with Fionn Mc~Inerney, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Models, Cyber Security, Computational Intelligence (ICC3).
- Infinite geometric graphs and properties of metrics with J. Janssen, invited book chapter in Recent Trends in Combinatorics, Editors: A. Beveridge, J.R. Griggs, L. Hogben, G. Musiker, P. Tetali.
- The domination number of online social networks and random geometric graphs, with Marc Lozier, Dieter Mitsche, Xavier Perez Gimenez, Pawel Pralat, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC'15).
- Conjectures on Cops and Robbers, invited paper in the book Graph Theory - Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems, edited by Ralucca Gera, Stephen Hedetniemi, and Craig Larson, 2014.
- Lazy Cops and Robbers played on hypercubes,
with Deepak Bal, William B. Kinnersley, P. Pralat, Combinatorics,
Probability, and Computing 24 (2015) 829-837.
- Dimensionality matching of social networks using motifs and eigenvalues, with D.F. Gleich, M. Kim, Dieter Mitsche, P. Pralat, A. Tian, S.J. Young, PLOS ONE 9(9): e106052.
- A note on bounds for the cop number using tree decompositions, with N.E. Clarke, S. Finbow, S. Fitzpatrick, and M.E. Messinger, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 9 (2014) 50-56.
- Burning a graph as a model of social contagion, with J. Janssen, E. Roshanbin, Proceedings of WAW'14.
- The toppling number of complete and random graphs, with William B. Kinnersley and P. Pralat, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 16 (2014) 229-252.
- Independence densities of hypergraphs, with Jason Brown, Dieter Mitsche, and P. Pralat, European Journal of Combinatorics 40 (2014) 124-136.
- On the minimum order of k-cop-win graphs,
with William Baird, Andrew Beveridge, Paolo Codenotti,
Aaron Maurer, John McCauley, Silviya Valeva, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 9 (2014) 70-84.
- The robber strikes back, with Stephen Finbow, Przemyslaw Gordinowicz, Ali Haidar, William B. Kinnersley, Dieter Mitsche, Pawel Pralat, and Ladislav Stacho, In: Proceedings of ICC3, 2013.
- Vertex-pursuit in random directed acyclic graphs, with Dieter Mitsche and P. Pralat, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 27 (2013) 732-756.
- Chapter on Complex Networks, with Fan Chung Graham, Handbook of Graph Theory, 2nd Edition, 2013.
- The capture time of the hypercube, with William B. Kinnersley, P. Gordinowicz, and P. Pralat, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2013.
- Cops and Robbers on graphs based on designs, with Andrea Burgess, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 21 (2013) 359-418.
- Meyniel's conjecture on the cop number: a survey, with William Baird, Journal of Combinatorics 3 (2012) 225-238.
- Distinguishing homomorphisms of infinite graphs, with D.Delic; Contributions to Discrete Mathematics. 7 (2012) 44-53.
- WHAT IS ... Cop Number? Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59 (2012) 1100-1101.
- Adjacency properties of graphs and a conjecture of Erdos, with Alexandru Costea; The Atlantic Electronic Journal of Mathematics 5 (2012) 37-46.
- Infinite random geometric graphs from the hexagonal metric, with Jeannette Janssen, Proceedings of IWOCA'12.
- Fighting constrained fires in graphs, with M.E. Messinger and P. Pralat; Theoretical Computer Science 434 (2012) 11-22.
- Geometric protean graphs, with Jeannette Janssen and P. Pralat, Internet Mathematics 8 (2012) 2-28.
- Sketchy Tweets: Ten Minute Conjectures in Graph Theory, with Richard Nowakowski, The Mathematical Intelligencer 34 (2012) 8-15.
- Almost all cop-win graphs contain a universal vertex, with Graeme Kemkes, and P. Pralat; Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 1652-1657.
- Vertex-pursuit in hierarchical social networks, with Dieter Mitsche, and P. Pralat, invited paper Proceedings of TAMC'2012.
- Independence and chromatic densities of graphs, with Jason Brown, Graeme Kemkes, and P. Pralat; Journal of Combinatorics 2 (2011) 397-411.
- Infinite random geometric graphs, with Jeannette Janssen Annals of Combinatorics 15 (2011) 597-617.
- Topological domination captures key biological processes in molecular networks, T. Milenkovic, V. Memisevic, N. Przulj PLOS ONE 6(8): e23016.
- Graph searching and related problems, with B. Yang, invited book chapter in: Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, editors P. Pardalos, D.Z. Du, R. Graham.
- Complex networks and social networks, with A. Tian invited book chapter in: Social Networks, editor E. Kranakis, Springer, Mathematics in Industry series.
- Catch me if you can: Cops and Robbers on graphs, invited paper In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models (ICMCM'11)
- Models of on-line social networks, with Noor Hadi, Paul Horn, Pawel Pralat, Changping Wang, Internet Mathematics 6 (2011) 285-313.
- Twins of rayless graphs, with Henning Bruhn, Reinhard Diestel and Philipp Sprussel, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B101 (2011) 60-65.
- Open letter to Internet Mathematics community, with Fan Chung Graham, Internet Mathematics 6 (2010) 1-2.
- The geometric protean model for on-line social networks, with Jeannette Janssen, and P. Pralat; Proceedings of WAW'2010.
- A geometric model for on-line social networks, with with Jeannette Janssen, and P. Pralat; Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN 2010) (electronic only).
- Large classes of infinite k-cop-win graphs, with Gena Hahn and Claude Tardif; Journal of Graph Theory 65 (2010) 234-242.
- Bounds and constructions for n-e.c. tournaments, with P. Gordinowicz and P. Pralat; Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 5 (2010) 52-66.
- Cops and Robbers from a distance, with Ehsan Chiniforooshan and P. Pralat; Theoretical Computer Science 411 (2010) 3834-3844.
- Distinguishing number and adjacency properties, with D. Delic; Journal of Combinatorics 1 (2010) 141-148.
- All countable monoids embed into the monoid of the infinite random graph, with D. Delic and Igor Dolinka; Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) 373-375.
- A spatial web graph model with local influence regions, with William Aiello, Colin Cooper, Jeannette Janssen, P. Pralat, Internet Mathematics 5 (2009) 175-196.
- The capture time of a graph, with Gena Hahn, Peter Golovach, and Jan Kratochvil; Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 5588-5595.
- The good, the bad, and the great: homomorphisms and cores of random graphs, with P. Pralat; Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 5535-5539.
- A survey of properties and models of on-line social networks;, invited paper In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models (ICMCM'09).
- Pursuit and evasion from a distance: algorithms and bounds, with Ehsan Chiniforooshan; Proceedings of ANALCO'09.
- Dynamic models of on-line social networks, with Noor Hadi, Paul Horn, Pawel Pralat, Changping Wang; Proceedings of WAW'09.
- The search for n-e.c. graphs, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 4 (2009) 40-53.
- Graphs with the n-e.c. adjacency property constructed from resolvable designs, with Cathy Baker, Neil McKay, and Pawel Pralat; Journal of Combinatorial Designs 17 (2009) 294-306.
- Pursuit-evasion in models of complex networks, with P. Pralat and Changping Wang; Internet Mathematics 4 (2009) 419-436.
- Infinite limits and adjacency properties of a generalized copying model , with Jeannette Janssen; Internet Mathematics 4 (2009) 199-223.
- The n-ordered graphs - a new graph class, with Jeannette Janssen and Changping Wang; Journal of Graph Theory 60 (2009) 204-218.
- Universal random semi-directed graphs, with D. Delic and Changping Wang; Proceedings of ROGICS'08.
- A note on domination parameters in random graphs, with Changping Wang; Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 28 (2008) 335-343.
- Graphs with the n-e.c. adjacency property constructed from affine planes, with Cathy Baker, Julia Brown, and Tamas Szonyi; Discrete Mathematics 208 (2008) 901-912.
- Random graph models for the web graph, invited paper In: Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models (NCMCM'07)
- A spatial web graph model with local influence regions, with William Aiello, Colin Cooper, Jeannette Janssen, P. Pralat Proceedings of WAW'07.
- Vertex pursuit games in stochastic network models, with Pawel Pralat and Changping Wang; Proceedings of CAAN'07.
- The cop density of a graph, with Gena Hahn and Changping Wang; Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 2 (2007) 133-144.
- A note on uniquely H-colorable graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 27 (2007) 39-44.
- Mutually embeddable graphs and the Tree Alternative conjecture, with Claude Tardif, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 96 (2006) 874-880.
- Spanning subgraphs of graphs partitioned into two isomorphic pieces, the Journal of Graph Theory 51 (2006) 123-136.
- On an adjacency property of almost all tournaments, with K. Cameron; Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) 2327-2335.
- Matchings defined by local conditions, with Alexandru Costea; Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 58 (2006) 41-53.
- Infinite limits of the duplication model and graph folding with Jeannette Janssen; extended abstract accepted to Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science for the EUROCOMB05 conference.
- A survey of models of the web graph, invited paper Proceedings of Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 2004.
- Infinite limits of copying models of the web graph, with J. Janssen, Internet Mathematics 1 (2004) 193-213. .
- A note on orientations of the infinite random graph, with; European Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2004) 921-926.
- Limits and power laws of models for the web graph and other networked information spaces, with J. Janssen; Proceedings of Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking, 2004.
- On a problem of Cameron's on inexhaustible graphs, with D. Delic, Combinatorica 24 (2004) 35-51.
- Large families of mutually embeddable vertex-transitive graphs, with Claude Tardif, the Journal of Graph Theory 43 (2003) 99-106.
- Homomorphisms and amalgamation, Discrete Mathematics 270 (2003) 32-41.
- Partitioning a graph into two isomorphic pieces, with Richard Nowakowski, Journal of Graph Theory 44 (2003) 1-14.
- Graphs with the 3-e.c. adjacency property constructed from affine planes, with C. Baker and J. Brown, the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 46 (2003) 65-83.
- On retracts of the random graph and their natural order, Monatschefte fur Mathematik, 135 (2002) 1-9.
- A family of universal pseudo-homogeneous G-colourable graphs, Discrete Mathematics 247 (2002) 13-23.
- Skolem arrays and Skolem labellings of ladder graphs, with C. Baker and P. Kergin; Ars Combinatoria 63 (2002), 97-107.
- Generalized pigeonhole properties of graphs and oriented graphs , with P. Cameron, D. Delic, and S. Thomasse, European Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2002) 257-274.
- Hadamard matrices and strongly regular graphs with the 3-e.c. adjacency property , with Wolf Holzmann and Hadi Kharaghani, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 8 (1), 2001.
- Metrically universal generic structures in free amalgamation classes, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (2001) 147-160.
- On an adjacency property of almost all graphs, with K. Cameron, Discrete Mathematics 231 (2001) 103-119.
- Finitely constrained classes closed under unions and n-e.c. structures, Ars Combinatoria 59 (2001) 181-192.
- On 2-e.c. line-critical graphs, with K. Cameron; the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 38 (2001) 111-121.
- The monoid of the random graph, with D. Delic, Semigroup Forum 61 (2000) 138-148.
- Tournaments and orders with the pigeonhole property, with P.J. Cameron and D. Delic, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 43 (2000) 397-405.
- On 2-e.c. graphs, tournaments, and hypergraphs, with K. Cameron, 6th International Conference on Graph Theory (Marseille, 2000), 4 pp. (electronic), Electron. Notes Discrete Math., 5, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000.
- A pigeonhole property for relational structures, with D. Delic Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (1999) 3, 409-413.
- The model companion of width-two orders, with D. Delic Order 14 (1998) 87-99.
- Continuum many universal Horn classes of graphs of bounded chromatic number, Algebra Universalis 40 (1998), 105-108.
- Hypergraph burning, matchings, and zero forcing, with Caleb Jones, Trent Marbach, Theodore Mishura, and Zhiyuan Zhang, submitted.
- How to burn a Latin square, with Caleb Jones, Trent Marbach, and Theodore Mishura, submitted.
- The isoperimetric peak of complete trees, with Lazar Mandic, Trent Marbach, and Matthew Ritchie, submitted.
- The k-visibility Localization game, with Trent Marbach, John Marcoux, and JD Nir, submitted.
- On Meyniel extremal families of graphs, with Ryan Cushman and Trent Marbach, submitted.
- Doctoral thesis, at the University of Waterloo, on Colourings, generics, and free amalgams, 1998.
- My Masters thesis, at the University of Waterloo, on On Residually Small Varieties, 1994.
Books and Volumes Edited
See my Google Scholar profile.
- Co-authors: Linda Abraham Shreya Ahirwar William Aiello Cathy Baker Deepak Bal Paul Bastide Natalie Behague; Stephane Bessy Andrew Beveridge Jane Breen Boris Brimkov Marthe Bonamy Jason Brown Juliette Bruce Henning Bruhn Ron Buckmire K. Cameron P.J. Cameron Ehsan Chiniforooshan Joshua Carlson Pierre Charbit Ketan Chaudhary Huda Chuangpishit; Nancy Clarke Paolo Codenotti Colin Cooper Alexandru Costea Danielle Cox Dan Cranston; Ryan Cushman; David Ryan D'Angelo Dejan Delic Igor Dolinka Reinhard Diestel Rita M. del Rio-Chanona Nicole Eikmeier Ethan E. Elenberg Sean English Stephen Finbow Shannon Fitzpatrick Jesse Geneson Konstantinos Georgiou Leanna Gittins David Gleich Peter Golovach P. Gordinowicz Karen Gunderson Fan Chung Graham Ali Haidar Gena Hahn Wolf Holzmann Leslie Hogben Paul Horn Yangyang Hou Alice Huang Melissa Huggan Ewa Infeld Jeannette Janssen Caleb Jones Shahin Kamali Joey Kapusin Bill Kay Graeme Kemkes P. Kergin Hadi Kharaghani Myunghwan Kim William B. Kinnersley Jan Kratochvil Claude Laflamme Florian Lehner Marc Lozier Thomas Lidbetter Lazar Mandic John Marcoux Trent Marbach Gary MacGillivray Calum MacRury Rehan Malik Trent Marbach Aaron Maurer John McCauley Fionn Mc Inerney Erin Meger; V. Memisevic M.E. Messinger T. Milenkovic Holden Milne Teddy Mishura Dieter Mitsche Daniel Moghbel Raja Mutharasan Jake Nicolaidis Bojan Mohar Michael Molnar Alexander Nazareth JD Nir Richard Nowakowski Juan Chavez Palan Sophia Park Bhargav Parsi Michael Pawliuk Xavier Perez Gimenez Theo Pierron Hari Pokhrel P. Pralat N. Przulj A. Quas K.E. Perry Brittany Pittman Mikael Rabie Carolyn Reinhart B. Reiniger Dieter Reutenbach Matthew Ritchie Elham Roshanbin Norbert Sauer Amy Shaw Philipp Sprussel Ladislav Stacho Adam Svaza Tamas Szonyi Claude Tardif Kirill Ternovsky S. Thomasse Silviya Valeva Mariam Walaa Changping Wang Boting Yang Jiajie Yuan Stephen Young Tomer Zaidman Zhiyuan Zhang