MTH 607 Final Exam Information Page
The Final Exam will be on Thursday April 17, 8:10 - 10:00 am
in room ENG LG24
You are allowed one 8½" x 11" formula sheet, written on both sides,
which you prepare yourself.
You should prepare this formula sheet
beforehand with any material you feel is relevant.
No other aids are allowed, in particular no calculators.
Office Hours
Over the exam period I will be holding the following office hours:
Monday April 14 | 10 - 12
Wednesday April 16 | 2 - 4
All will be in my office, ENG 223.
Material Covered
We will cover all material so far. This includes from the book:
Chapter 1 | Introduction | All
Chapter 2 | Degrees | 2.1 - 2.4
Chapter 3 | Isomorphism | 3.1, 3.2
Chapter 4 | Trees | 4.1 - 4.3
Chapter 5 | Connectivity | 5.1 - 5.4
Chapter 6 | Traversability | 6.1, 6.2, 6.4
Chapter 8 | Matchings and Factorizations | 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.
Chapter 10 | Colouring | 10.2, 10.3.
See the course oultine for a more detailed
list of topics.
In addition, also see the Course Handouts
and of course the lecture notes.
In particular, the following handouts cover topics not well covered in the book:
Studying Suggestions
The lab questions are a good place to look for
questions. It is a good idea to review the questions you
had trouble with in the labs.
The lab questions are good examples of the kind of questions you
might find on the test.
Suggested Problems
The suggested problems given in the course
oultine are another place to find problems.
Last Year's Final
Last year's Final can be found here. Please note that last year
we also covered the topic of network flows. This means that you should
ignore question 3 from last year.
You will not be asked to provide formal proofs, particularly of the more
complex theorems. However, you may be asked to "show that" facts are true
about graphs. These would be similar to such questions given in the
and would require some cogent logical argument. In this case you
are allowed to use results proved in class, just be sure to clearly state them,
either by name or by quoting them in full.
Maintained by: P. Danziger, February 2008