Fall 2008
Instructor: Dr Dejan Delic
Office: ENG 228
Phone: 979-5000 ext 6971
Office hours:Tue 11-12, Wed 3-4, or by appointment
Textbook: Mathematical Logic For Computer Science
(2nd Ed.)
by Mordechai Ben-Ari (Springer, ISBN 1-852-33319-7) (corrections to this edition are available at the following web-page)
Other good texts covering some of the material in the course outline are :
Logic for Computer Scientists by Uwe Schoening
Logic, Programming, and Prolog (2nd Ed.) by Ulf Nilsson and Jan Maluszynski - available here
Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science by Stanley N. Burris
Software: In this course we will introduce a programming language, Prolog, which has various
implementations. The version presented in the textbook is based on the SWI Prolog implementation, which
is free and available to download from SWI-Prolog project.
The textbook site contains the Source Archive
of all the Prolog programs used in the textbook. This zipped file is useful because it contains a lot of pre-defined predicates
which can be used later and can save you a lot of time when doing your own projects in Prolog.
An excellent on-line course in Prolog is Learn Prolog Now!.
Assignments: There will be two or three assignments throughout the term.
You will be given 2-3 weeks to complete them (late assignments are
penalized by -20%/day). You can work in groups of two, but your assignment
must contain your signatures testifying to the fact that everyone has
participated in preparation equitably.
Tests and final exam:
There will be one midterm test tentatively scheduled for:
week of October 20 (tentatively).
Grading scheme:
Assignments: 25%
Midterm: 30%
Final exam: 45%
Outline of the
- Nov.27 The solutions to the Assignment #2 are now posted.
- Nov.24 The answers to all exercises from the textbook are posted now.
- Nov.10 The final exam information has been posted.
- Nov.3 Assignment 2 (due date: Nov.24) has been posted.
- Oct.28 Since we will refer to Turing machines in class when covering 5.8, a quick and elementary overview of Turing
machines along with a few examples which illustrate basic definitions are given in the notes prepared by Prof. Danziger
for his MTH210 course.
- Oct.27 The solutions to the midterm have been posted.
- Oct.16 The solutions to the Assignment 1 problems are now available.
- Oct.16 The answers to exercises from the first four chapters of the textbook are now posted.
- Oct.4 Last year's midterm is now available.
- Sep.29 Midterm will take place on Oct.20 (Monday), from 5pm to 6pm at ENG105, during the regular class time.
The first-day handout states that the midterm will be 1.5 hours long, however the actual length will be 1 hour.
- Sep.26 Assignment 1 (due date: Oct.14 ) has been posted.
Lab Problems
Lecture Slides
For more information on homework, policy on dealing with missed tests, etc, please refer to the first day handout (PDF