Professional Activity |
I am invited reviewers for Mathematical Reviews and zbMATH Open and referee papers for the following journals
- I am an invited reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet)
- I am an invited reviewer for zbMATH Open (formerly Zentralblatt MATH)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
- Journal of Differential Equations
- Mathematical Biosciences
- Journal of Biological Dynamics
- Journal of Mathematical Biology
- Nonlinearity
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society
- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
- Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
- Glasgow Mathematical Journal
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Method and Applications
- Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems_A
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems_B
- Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis
- International Journal of Mathematical and Mathematical Science
- Fixed Point Theory and Applications
- Acta Mathematical Sinica (by the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Series A)
- Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
- Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Journal of the Malaysia Mathematical Society
- Mathematische Nachrichten
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations
- Arabian Journal of Mathematics
- Canadian Journal of Physics
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
- Heliyon
- BioSystems
| Invited Seminar Lectures |
I was invited to give a seminar talk at University of Toronto, March 16, 2012.
Title: Nonzero positive solutions of systems of
elliptic boundary value problems
I was invited to give a seminar talk at University of Guelph, November 29, 2011.
Title: The evolution of predator-prey systems in ecology
I was invited to give a seminar talk at University of Waterloo, Canada, November 26, 2009.
Title: The evolution of predator-prey systems in ecology
I was invited to give a seminar talk at the Royal Military College of Canada, January, 2002.
Title: Eigenvalue criteria for existence of multiple positive solution of Hammerstein integral equations with singularities.
Exchange Visitor |
I visited University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A during 1992-1993 |
Membership of Mathematical Societies |
- Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) (Past)
- International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA) (Past)
- American Mathematical Society (AMS) (Past)
- Edinburgh Mathematical Society (Past)
Visitors |
- 2007
- Professor Ravi P. Agarwal
, Department of Mathematics, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901, USA
- 2003
- Prof. Ratnasingham Shivaji
Department of Mathematics, Mississippi State University.
Multiple Positive Solutions for Classes of p-Laplacian Equations.
November 25, 2003
- 2002
- Prof G. Isac from the Royal Military College of Canada gave a seminar talk in the department. October, 2002.