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Topics for this Lab: | With Packages | $ Iteration | Boolean Statements | |
For and While | If...Then... | Data Types - Arrays |
Maple has a full set of commands to direct program flow. This means that it is
possible to write programs using Maple. In addition we can write new functions
and procedures to work with Maple. There are a number of prewritten packages
avalaible with Maple, you can load these packages using the
with keyword. The syntax is
> ?student
Once a package has been loaded it will stay resident, the routines the package
contains will be available for the rest of the session, or until a
restart is issued.
One such package is the student package (try help on student).
To initiate this package you type
> with(student);
To unload the package
> restart;
By using composition we can use the iteration operator to evaluate a function
at values closer and closer to a particular value.
Thus $ gives us a quick and easy way to investigate the behaviour of a function
near a value.
> f := x -> x^2;
> g := x -> (1 + 10^(-x));
> evalf((f@g)(x)) $ x = 1..10;
This shows the values of f at
> evalf(g(x)) $ x = 1..10;
Note: It is recommended (and often necessary) that both expression and
x be enclosed in single quotes to prevent premature evaluation.
If x had been assigned a value, the x in the expression would be evaluated to its
value, and so could not be used as a counting variable.
The most common use is
'expression' $ 'x' = a..b;
Boolean expressions can be formed using the logical operators and, or, and not, and the relational operators <, <=, >, >=, =, and <>. Each of these operators returns either true, false or FAIL.
Symbol | Syntax | Explantion |
> | x > a | Returns true if x is greater than a |
< | x < a | Returns true if x is less than a |
>= | x >= a | Returns true if x is greater than or equal to a |
<= | x <= a | Returns true if x is less than or equal to a |
<> | x <> a | Returns true if x is not equal to a |
and | expr1 and expr2 | Returns true if both expr1 and expr2 are true. |
or | expr1 or expr2 | Returns true if either expr1 or expr2 are true. |
not | not expr | Returns the logical negation of the expression expr. |
Note: Maple uses the same syntax to specify ranges (see lesson 3 Ranges) as it does for boolean expressions.
The truth values for FAIL on and, or and not are given in the following table.
and | or | not | |||||
true | false | FAIL | true | false | FAIL | ||
true | true | false | FAIL | true | true | true | false |
false | false | false | false | true | false | FAIL | true |
FAIL | FAIL | false | FAIL | true | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
'=' is usualy used in Maple for the definition of equations. Thus
in Maple
> x = x^2;
is an assertion for which x can be solved (x = 0 or 1). Try
> solve(x = x^2);
To force Maple to evaluate = as a
boolean operator we may use evalb (evaluate as boolean, c.f.
> x := 'x';
> evalb(x = x^2);
> x: = 1
> evalb(x = x^2);
The first evaluation is false, since in general x does not equal x2.
However once we set x to 1, x does equal x2, and so the evaluation
returns true.
Let f(x) = x4 - 2x3 + 6x - 3 and define
b to be 3a + 4.
Backwards quotes `...` are used to indicate a string in Maple.
> t :=`This is a string`;
> print(t);
Note: Maple also supports the C printf syntax.
> printf(`\t\t%g\t\t%g\t\t%g\n`, i, i^2, i^3);
If you don't know about printf yet don't worry about this.
[for < name >] [from < start expr >] [by < step expr >]
[to < end expr >]
[while < boolean expr >]
Note: [ ] indicates an optional phrase.
name is the name of the iterating variable.
start expression is a starting value for name (default is 1)
step expression is the step value by which name is incremented on each
iteration (default is 1).
end expression is the value of name at which iteration stops.
The while statement allows for the execution to be stopped if some boolean
condition, boolean expr, becomes false.
statement sequence is any number of valid Maple statements.
> for i from 0 by .1 to 1
> f := x -> x^2 - 3*x +2;
> do
> print(i^2, i^3);
> od;
> for i from 0 to 10
> do
> f(i);
> od;
The while expression can be used to avoid errors which might otherwise
occur. The following sequence produces a divide by 0 error:
> f:= x -> sin(x)/x;
> for i from 1 by -.1 to 0 do
> f(i);
> od;
This can be fixed by using the while to stop execution if the denominator
becomes 0.
> for i by -.1 to 0 while i <> 0 do
> f(i);
> od;
Note that if no from is specified, 1 is used as the default.
This is not really an ideal fix, since the execution stops at 0, what we really
want is to skip 0. See If..Then below for a better way to
do this.
While can also be used to stop execution when some other condition is reached.
In the following example we calculate the sum of even integers until this sum is
greater than 100.
> sm := 0;
> for i from 2 by 2 while sm < 100 do
> sm := sm + i
> print(`i = `, i, `sm = `, sm);
> od;
This example highlights the problems which can occur due to Maples non linear
execution in an interactive session. If you execute the above code, line by
line, then go back and just execute the for loop again nothing
happens the second time, why?
A common technique in iterative numerical methods is to keep evaluating until the
difference between succesive approximations becomes smaller than a given
> Digits := 50;
# Need high accuracy
> f := x -> (1-cos(x))/x;
# The function to test
> err := 10^(-20);
# The required error bound
> val := 100;
> oldval := 200;
# Set these so that |val - oldval| > err for start
> for i while abs(val - oldval) > err
> do
# Keep looping until the difference of succesive terms is less than the
error bound.
> oldval := val:
> val := evalf(f(10^(-i))):
> od;
The next keyword is used to indicate that the next iteration should be started immediately, and the rest of the loop ignored.
These statements usually are used in conjuction with an if ... then statement (see below).
if conditional expression then
Note: [ ] indicates an optional phrase
The conditional expressions are boolean expressions which must evaluate
to either true or false.
The statement sequences are any collection of valid Maple statements.
If conditional expression is true then the statement sequence is
For the optional elif (else if) statement sequence 2 is
executed if conditional expression is false and
conditional expression 2 is true. There may be as many
elif statements as required.
For the optional else statement sequence 3 is executed if
statement sequence is false and no elif branches have
been taken.
Note the closing fi keyword.
If...then can be used within loops to control special situations. Thus
> f:= x -> sin(x)/x;
> for i by -.1 to -1 do
> f(i);
> od;
Produces and error and exits when i = 0. To stop this we can use if...then
together with a next statement.
> f:= x -> sin(x)/x;
> for i by -.1 to -1 do
> if i = 0 then next; fi;
> f(i);
> od;
integer | fraction | float | string | function | expresion |
Maple also supports a set data type for manipulating mathematical sets.
Arrays are indicated in Maple by square brackets [].
> v := [1,2,3,4];
defines a 1 dimensional array (vector) whose entries are 1, 2, 3 and 4.
To define a two dimensional array:
> v := [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] ];
This gives the array
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 |
Elements of arrays can be accessed by using square brackets and an index,
starting from 1. Note that arrays in Maple are indexed starting from 1.
> v := [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] ];
> v := [5,6,-17,4.543];
> v[1];
> v[2];
> v[3];
> v[4];
> v[1,1];
> v[1,2];
> v[2,1];
Arrays can be used in conjunction with for loops to store information from that iteration.
Maple has a package linalg which suppoets many of the algorithms you
learnt for linear algebra (and many you probably didn't).
> ?linalg
to find ourt about these routines.
> with(linalg);
loads the package into Maple for use.
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