Call for Papers
WAW 2020 invites original research papers and abstracts on all aspects of algorithmic and mathematical research in the areas pertaining to the World-Wide Web, especially papers that espouse the view of complex data as networks. A special focus of WAW 2020 is on applications of hypergraph modeling.
Submissions are invited in, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Algorithms: graph algorithms, clustering, collaborative filtering, routing optimization.
- Analysis: structural properties, visualization, patterns, communities, discovery, flow simulation.
- Data Models: hypergraph models, graph models, evolution, trust and reputation networks.
- Topics: Web, social networks, transportation networks, communication networks, recommender networks, citation networks, Wikipedia, biological networks, blogs, p2p.
- Applications: web mining, social applications, routing & transportation, web search and ranking.
The papers must be formatted according to Springer LNCS style. The maximum length of papers is at most 15 pages. The workshop proceedings will be published as a Springer LNCS volume. Selected papers from the workshop will be invited to a special issue of Internet Mathematics. Talks associated with proceedings papers will be 30 minutes.
Abstracts are a maximum of one page, may be in any style, and must be pdf files. They should include the title, speakers, and a summary of research. All abstracts related to the conference areas will be accepted (at the discretion of the program committee), and published on the conference website (but not published in the proceedings). Talks associated with abstracts will be 20 minutes.
Papers and abstracts must be submitted via Easychair.
Important Dates
- Workshop on Hypergraph Modelling: September 22-25, 2020
(June 15-17, 2020) - WAW 2020: September 21-24, 2020
(June 18-19, 2020)
- Full paper submission: February 21, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2020
- Final version due: April 12, 2020