Averages of Best Wavelet Basis Estimates for Denoising
S.Ferrando and L.Kolasa.
Abstract:Donoho and Johnstone introduced an adaptive algorithm that extends
nonlinear thresholding denoising in a fixed orthonormal basis to a multiple
basis setting. In their work a search for an optimal basis from a large
collection of orthonormal bases---i.e., a {\it library}---is introduced. That
technique gives the so-called best ortho-basis estimate. In this paper we study
the situation when many such libraries are available. We propose an algorithm
that exploits the availability of many best ortho-basis approximations. The
algorithm uses a strengthening of the convexity of the $L^2$ norm to produce an
estimate which is an average of best ortho-basis estimates. Conditions under
which the proposed algorithm offers improvements and corresponding numerical
examples are also described
Keywords:Signal Denoising Wavelet Packets. $L^2$ spaces. Adaptive Basis
Selection. Oracles for Adaptation. Thresholding of Wavelet Coefficients