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MTH 607 Graph Theory Lab 8

We will work on these questions in the lab.

  1. Find the line graphs of the graphs below.
    KiteBowtie Dumbell

    1. Find the line graph of the hypercube Q3.

    2. Show that if a graph is r regular then its line graph is 2(r-1) regular.

    1. Show that given a cycle v0 v1, ..., vk in the line graph of G, the corresponding edges in G also form a cycle.
    2. Use the result of a above to show that the line graph of a tree is a tree.

  2. (Ex 5.33) Let G be a 5-connected graph, show that between any 3 distinct vertices u, v and w there are 2 cycles which have C and C' which have only the points u and v in common and do not go through w.

  3. Given a graph G and a pair of points u, vV(G), a uv-necklace is a sequence of cycles C1, C2, . . . , Ck such that
    1. u is in C1 and v is in Ck;
    2. Ci, Ci+1 meet in exactly 1 point;
    3. Ci, Cj have no points in common when |i - j| ≠ 0, 1.

    Show that a graph is 2-edge connected if and only if there is a uv-necklace for every pair of vertices u and v. (You may use Menger's Theorem).

Peter Danziger, March 2008