MTH 607 Graph Theory Lab 8
We will work on these questions in the lab.
Find the line graphs of the graphs below.
Find the line graph of the hypercube Q3.
Show that if a graph is r regular then its line graph is 2(r-1)
Show that given a cycle v0 v1, ...,
vk in the line graph of G, the corresponding edges in
G also form a cycle.
Use the result of a above to show that the line graph of a tree is a tree.
(Ex 5.33) Let G be a 5-connected graph, show that between any 3
distinct vertices u, v and w there are 2 cycles
which have C and C' which have only the points u and
v in common and do not go through w.
Given a graph G and a pair of points u, v ∈ V(G),
a uv-necklace is a sequence of cycles
C1, C2, . . . , Ck such that
- u is in C1 and v is in Ck;
- Ci, Ci+1 meet in exactly 1 point;
- Ci, Cj have no points in common when |i - j| ≠ 0, 1.
Show that a graph is 2-edge connected if and only if there is a
uv-necklace for every pair of vertices u and v.
(You may use Menger's Theorem).
Peter Danziger, March 2008