MTH 607 Graph Theory Lab 2
For the graph G given above give the following, or explain why
the graph does not have the given property.
(Quote any theorems you use.)
- d(c).
- The degree sequence.
- The adjacency matrix.
- A bipartition.
- An articulation point.
- The blocks of G.
- The subgraph of G induced by S = { a, c }.
For each of the following either explain why the specified graph cannot exist
(quote any theorems you use), or draw a graph with the given property.
A graph with degree sequence 3, 1, 1.
A graph with degree sequence 4, 3, 3.
A simple graph with degree sequence 4, 3, 3.
A 3 regular graph on 9 vertices.
A simple graph with 3 connected components on 5 vertices.
Find two non-isomrphic 3-regular graphs.
Give three graphs which have the same order and the same
degree sequence, but are not isomorphic.
- Show that in a disconnected graph there must be a path
from any vertex of odd degree to some other vertex of odd degree.
Suppose v is a vertex of a connected simple graph G. Prove that
v has a neighbor in every component of G-v.
Maintained by: P. Danziger, January 2007.