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MTH 607 Graph Theory Lab 11 - Solutions

  1. For each of the following graphs find a 1-factor or explain why one cannot exist (via Tuttes). ie Find a set S such that |S| < |o(G-S)|.
    1. G - a has three odd components.

    2. Take S = ∅ in Tutte's.

    3. ca, rb, de is a 1-factor.

    4. The to end edges, together with the bar of the dumbell form a 1-factor.

    5. Removing the central vertex gives two odd components, so |S| = 1 but o(G - S) = 2. So no 1-factor exists.

    6. { (000, 001), (010, 011), (100, 101), (110, 111) }

  2. Use Tuttes Theorem to show that K3,5 does not have a 1-factor.

    Removing the part of size three leaves five components of odd size. So |S| = 3 and o(G - S) = 5.

  3. Find a 1-factorization of the graphs below

    1. { (000, 001), (010, 011), (100, 101), (110, 111) }
      { (000, 010), (001, 011), (100, 110), (101, 111) }
      { (000, 100), (001, 101), (010, 110), (011, 111) }

    2. F1 = { (a, d), (h, k), (i, l), (b, e), (c, g), (f, j) }
      F2 = { (a, b), (h, d), (e, i), (l, k), (c, f), (g, j) }
      F3 = { (a, e), (h, l), (b, c), (d, g), (k, j), (i, f) }
      F4 = { (a, h), (e, l), (b, f), (c, d), (g, k), (i, j) }


  4. Show that Kn,n has a 1-factorization for any n.

    Note that Kn,n is an n regular bipartite graph and hence has a perfect matching (by the Corollary to Hall's Theorem).
    Removing this perfect matching yields an (n-1)-regular bipartite graph.
    We may proceed in this manner until all edges are used.

  5. Show that no tree with at least three vertices has a 1-factorization.

    Let T be a tree. Since T is a tree it has a vertex of degree 1.
    Since T is of order at least 3 it must have at least one vertex of degree greater than 1.
    Thus T is not k-regular for any k.

Peter Danziger, April 2008